Fokus auttaa tehtävien runsaudessa
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Minulta kysyttiin jokin aika sitten, onko vaikeaa ja raskasta coachata useampaa asiakasta samana päivänä ja miten pystyn pitämään niiden
Valmentava itsensä johtaminen
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Myös itsensä johtaminen kannattaa tehdä hyviksi havaituin valmentavan johtamisen periaattein: käskyttämisen ja pakottamisen sijaan itseään
Leadership in Writing
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- Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Leadership in Writing
As a Director and a Leadership Coach with a Business Coaching Certificate I found a common base in Katja’s coaching on writing and my leadership
Intu’s Thoughts on Business and Personal Development by Improving Team and Self Leadership. – Intun ajatuksia liiketoiminnan, työn, tiimien ja itsensä johtamisen kehittämisestä.
I think it is a mistake to think that the company culture is what it is, that it is stronger than the agreed, set strategies. The company and its
Executive Team is a valuable support function for the CEO. Its working practices and work results have a direct impact on the success of the company.
I’ve sat in many Board rooms where the main owners (capital investors from around the world) have been presented by their appointed Board
Olin viime viikolla Ranskan Faroux’ssa Naisyrittäjäretriitissä asiakkaana, mutta myös tutustumassa paikkaan ja omistajiin samassa
With our reflected best selves we can transform moments of hesitation to moments of courage and untrusted terrain to trusted terrains. There we can
I was asked by HPP attorneys office to speak about customer expectations, based on my long background as General Counsel, Executive Director and