I was recently asked what topics can be discussed in business coaching and if business coaching provides concrete tools for work. The answer to the first question is simple. You can bring up any topics. With the style of coaching that I do, you’ll also get concrete tools for your work.
Coaching Topics Can Be Any Topics You Wish To Talk About
The more the chosen coaching topics are in line with the purpose and the set goals for the coaching the better. And the goals are whatever you need them to be for each discussion or for the coaching process as a whole. The goals may also change during the process because the surrounding situations and your needs may change. It is therefore important that the coach does not limit the process to any preagreed frames but listens, allows and reacts to changes. I am perfectly fine also with the changes coming up only in the discussions without prior warning. I understand how at work and during busy times things can change quite unexpectedly. There are also so many other things occupying the mind. The process may not always go ”by the book” of coaching. But that’s life and coaching needs to adapt to the situations.
What would you do?
So far almost everyone that I’ve coached has wished to receive suggestions and recommendations or advice from me as their coach on what to do next. ”What would you do?” I hear that a lot. The beauty – and sometimes frustration – of coaching is that it acknowledges that the person who is receiving coaching is the one who knows best her or his situation and therefore the answers, too. My role as the coach is to help her or him to find the solution, the best ways or tools that are available or possible to obtain. So in pure coaching, the coach does not give advice or suggestions.
If You Need Information That I Have, You’ll Get It.
Due to my long background in business in various team and project leading roles, it is sometimes quite obvious for me that one’s persistent doubt in regards the possibilities, especially one’s own abilities, is groundless and there indeed are ways to go forward. I will then meet the need by putting my mentor hat on and saying aloud what I think or what I’ve seen in similar situations. Not by giving direct instructions but by helping the person to see and evaluate more options than she or he was able to see.
So far everyone that I’ve met that has been given business coaching has found it useful. And the ones I’ve coached have greatly appreciated that I’ve offered them not only strict business coaching but also advice when it was clearly useful and wished for. It gives me great pleasure to be able use my expertise on business coaching and on business to help people at their work in such an effective way. For me, it is important that my coaching is seen useful by those who receive it.
You can read more about the business coaching process and options e.g. from here. The length and the style of the process can always be agreed upon. If you wish to learn more or discuss on possible coaching for you or your team, let me know. You’ll find my contact details below at the end of this page. I look forward to hearing from you.